Clean Up Your Sleep Hygiene Email Series

Good Sleep For Better Health

In need of a mood boost? How about a sharper mind? From improving your heart health to reducing your risk of illness, there are countless reasons to get a good night’s rest.

I have a fantastic email series starting soon, and I’d hate for you to miss out! Opt-in to learn healthy sleep habits and techniques for improving the quality of your sleep and increasing overall health.

This is your opportunity to address any concerns regarding your sleep hygiene. During this experience, you’ll gain insight on daytime habits that can be causing restless nights and how to create a healthy bedtime routine.

Did you know sleep deprivation will kill you more quickly than food deprivation? It’s true! According to an article in Harvard Business Review, Sleep is More Important than Food. Take advantage of this resource to improve your sleep and overall health!

Meet Shellie Lynn, The Facilitator Of This Educational Email Series

I am on a mission to change the world by creating healthy families, one mom at a time. I empower women to trade in their toxic lifestyles for ones that are natural, purposeful, and meaningful. For the first time in history, children are projected to have shorter lifespans than their parents. We can change this reality by changing their environments. Together, we will create freedom from toxic environments and lifestyles. We will create a world where chronic illness and disease is not the norm. We will have confidence and faith in ourselves and the freedom to make truly informed choices for OUR families.

Created by:

Shellie Lynn

Let’s Talk About Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene describes your nighttime habits that contribute to your sleep or, in many cases, lack thereof.

Do you ever have trouble falling asleep? Have you considered that what you eat or drink may be to blame?

It may sound far fetched to make a connection between what you eat and a sleepless night, but trust me, far too many people experience sleep disturbances due to daily activities.

Whether you struggle to fall asleep or spend all night tossing and turning, I have a number of techniques to share that will help you get the sleep you need for better health.

All you have to do is opt-in and wait for the messages to arrive in your inbox. I’ll take care of the rest!

I Can’t Wait to Share with You!